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What's in a video consultation?..

I was in casual conversation with a Nutrition expert, and within 15 minutes into the call, I got thinking about the nutritional needs of my family. I thought about my siblings' families and my in-laws' families.

If one talk can inspire 6 families to eat healthy, why wouldn't anyone want to talk to a Nutrition expert?

Unlike the misconception that some traditional healthcare professionals have about video consultations,

It is for those healthcare professionals who manage their patients follow up consults over whatsapp conversations.

It is for those surgeons who want to read reports of their foreign patients' and schedule their elective surgeries when they visit their home town.

It is for those dermatologists who are otherwise giving casual opinions to relatives and friends over calls but are not able to track their progress.

It is for those busy cardiologists who are already aware of their patients conditions and can manage the anxiousness of the patients.

Most importantly it is for those users who live in a foreign country or location where healthcare is not accessible as abundantly as some of us are blessed with.

It is for those patients who just are tired of being put in the waiting lists of many hospitals, who can video consult with their home country doctor, who can assess their situation and give them some advice before they are seen by a doctor in their place of residence.

It is for those precious consults when one need not see a busy doctor just to know that they need not have visited the hospital in that particular instance.

It is for those instances where talking to a doctor is better than googling the symptoms and taking self medication.

Video consultations are here to assist someone who's looking to get some relief. We are here for those healthcare professionals who want to take time to serve beyond their reach.

Sometimes you never know how important one video consultation can be.

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